Education Programs for Professionals | Careerhigh

Time Management

We all have 24-hours in a day.  No matter who you are, your age, income, gender, race or religion, you have the same amount of time as the next person. But, why some people are able to get the most out of every minute of the day? Definitely, they don’t have the power to slow down time. But, they do know how to manage their time effectively. 

Nobody can purchase even a single minute by paying millions of dollars. That’s the value of time. We consume so much of our available time in doing unproductive activities.

You will be surprised to know that globally, digital consumers spent nearly 2.5 hours every day on social networks and messaging                 -The Hindu, 2019.

Thus time management skills are required to use your time productively and efficiently. It makes your life more organized, planned and discipline thus making you less vulnerable to stress and anxiety.  

So how do we become better time managers?

Certainly, there is no dearth of advice and tools - books and blogs, hacks and apps, all designed to boost our time management instantly. But, the frustrating reality is - "They never work." Because, just by purchasing all medical equipment, you can’t become a doctor. Similarly, using a scheduling app without the prerequisite time management skills is unlikely to produce positive time management outcomes. We should learn to imbibe these skills first.

In this seminar, CareerHigh  will help your employees learn & imbibe those simple, easy to apply time management skills, so that they can plan, execute and manage their work to achieve maximum results from it. 

Our presentations are not just theories but practical realizations. With powerful presentations, group discussions & experienced trainers we help your employees learn 100%.

If you are interested to conduct this seminar in your organization, please fill up the form below.

See you soon !!!